Creativity: Art, Music and Drama
“But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8
At Boddington Primary Academy, we firmly believe that through being immersed in the Creative Arts subjects in a structured and coherent way, every child has the opportunity to become an empathic, reflective individual with a love of creating and belief in their own unique abilities.
“What would it be like if you lived each day, each breath, as a work of art in progress? Imagine that you are a Masterpiece unfolding every second of every day, a work of art taking form with every breath.”
—Thomas Crum
Why We Teach The Creative Arts Curriculum
By embedding the Arts through each of our school topics in our Long Term Plan, we intend for children to acquire knowledge of a range of artists, techniques, skills and genres which will give them a good foundation and love of the Arts to build upon as they transition into secondary school and beyond.
How Do We Teach The Creative Arts?
The teaching of the creative subjects is carefully planned in to complement the whole school topics and the knowledge, skills and techniques the children should acquire in each key stage. As the school is made up of mixed age classes, knowledge and core skills have been mapped out in strands by key stage in the progression documents to ensure all children experience these throughout the year. Artists and composers feature in these plans and a range are carefully chosen both in terms of cultural significance to our topics and our local area.
Art Specific
The artistic process is core to the teaching sequences of art lessons here at Boddington. The children learn about artists from different cultures, both past and present alongside associated skills and techniques which they then practise and apply into a final piece artwork. Children are encouraged to spend time adapting and improving their work and once finished, their reflections are recorded in their sketchbook. We believe that developing these skills is really important for children to become more articulate about their learning and become more creative thinkers. Children record their ongoing experimentation with different techniques in their sketchbook, which continues with them through the school and older copies are retained until they leave in year 6.
Music Specific
Music is taught using a comprehensive scheme of work, following the updated model Music Curriculum. Children learn how to compose and read music including musical theory. Children also reflect on different musical genres, linked to key thought-provoking questions for each unit. Throughout each teaching sequence, skills are built upon and revisited throughout their time here at Boddington.
We also offer extra curricular opportunities such as whole class music lessons taught by NMPAT musicians (provided free for all), the opportunity to study keyboard, drumming, singing or guitar with music teachers, IMS in school time (paid for by parents) as well as attending the Young Voices concert at Resort Arena in Birmingham.
Drama Specific
Drama and dramatic techniques are fully embedded across all subjects. Children develop confidence, learn how to express themselves and explore the feelings of others through exploring different situations; both real and fictional. RE, English, History and RHE are examples of subjects in which drama can be used in order to further develop knowledge and understanding. Performance also plays a large part in our school life, including as a church school, and throughout the year, the children have opportunities to speak and perform to the rest of the school and wider community.
What Do the Creative Arts Subjects Look Like at Boddington Primary Academy?
Creative Arts Subjects at Boddington
Recent Successes Here at Boddington!
In January 2023, we took children from Boddington and Culworth to the Young Voices concert for what was an truly amazing experience.
Young Voices 2023
Here's just a taste of the wonderful experience!